Audi A6 3.0 TFSI quattro Gwm steed 5 Tyres

On this page you will find the best real world tyre reviews from owners of the Audi A6 3.0 TFSI quattro Gwm steed 5.

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Tyre Reviewed Dry Grip Wet Grip Feedback Handling Wear Comfort
Habilead Practicalmax HT RS21 (4) 75% 63% 73% 70% 78% 75%

Audi A6 3.0 TFSI quattro Gwm steed 5 Tyre Review Highlights

Writing about the Habilead Practicalmax HT RS21 given 80% (245-70-16-V)
Driving on mostly country roads for 2000 miles
Super handling
tyre reviewed on 2018-12-05 11:20:01
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