while driving a
Toyota Corolla
(205/55 R16) on
a combination of roads
for 105,392
average miles
I bought 4 tires on 12/6/16 Product GOO4135243291000 description 20555HR16 ASRNc CMFTRD TRG VSB where the sales man of Northwest tire service said that this tires are the best and has the lowest tire noise and you will also get a cash back later. And so I bought them.
Problem is I never got cash back till today and is my second reminder done today again.
On 4/5/17 I had to buy a new tire as this tire puncher on I-49 and the punchers cannot be repaired but the tire has to be replaced. I paid $138.88 and requested the sales man to re apply for the cash back which i had not relieved. The miles on it was 1280 on it.
On 2/14/18 I had to buy a new tire today again. It costed me $162.87. Same reason as it got puncher and cannot be repaired. This time I have the tire with me.The total miles on it is 6104 on this tire.
Now I am worried as I think that batch is defective and have 2 more tires on my car. I bought this tires just as they make lowest possible noise and will be no headache but looks like either the tire is duplicate or manufacturing defect as it happened twice same problem. Not satisfied at all.
Looking forward for your action asap.