11 of the best tyres for the 2018 summer

  Published March 20th, 2018 by Jonathan Benson

With summer quickly approaching, and tyre test season in full swing, here are 11 of the best summer tyres for 2018.

The first five tyres are ultra high performance / maximum performance summer tyres, usually found in 18 inches and above and have an emphasis on sporty handling and driving enjoyment along with safety criteria such as wet braking.

The next six tyres are premium touring summer tyres which are more often fitted to less sporty cars in smaller wheel sizes, and instead of having a focus on driving dynamics look more to provide higher comfort levels, lower noise and low fuel use, while retaining all of the key safety performances.

This video does not cover any all season or winter tyres options, so if you feel like you might need a tyre to work year round, including in snow and ice, check out our "best tyre type for winter driving" video first.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask below, or on the YouTube page!

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