Bought the bike used 3000k's on clock with a pair of BT45's on them, by 6000 the rear tyre had quite extensive cracking in the sidewalls so I replaced them thinking it was probably due to age with another pair made 31st week of 2018, but after only a year the same thing has happened. Damage to the sidewall of a tyre is serious and renders it unroadworthy. I keep the tyres properly inflated, 33/38, store the bike out of direct sunlight, and don't use tyre shine on them. In my younger days I fitted tyres for Bridgestone onto cars and never saw anything like this problem. I can only attribute it to poor quality control from whoever makes these tyres. Furthermore Bridgestone Motorcycle Tyres aren't handled by Bridgestone but a different company McCleod Accessories who know nothing about their products, quality control, warranties, and just import them into Australia with seemingly no responsibility whatsoever to the customer. McLeod Accessories can only refer you to the shop you purchased the tyres from for any problems and Bridgestone can only refer you to McLeod Accessories! Once regarding Bridgestone as one of the best I now regard them as one of the worst and will never buy from them again because I cannot trust a tyre company with such an irresponsible approach to tyre safety. They seem to be answerable to no one. Hence why I am posting this review so that maybe other riders don't end up with these dud tyres or worse end up injured or dead.