Soo, i have the tyre for 2000km and so far i am very impresed with grip in wet and dry, before it warms up is bad but after the rubber becomes sticky and unstopable (i always smell burning rubber when i park my car), but the tyres have a problem, outer sides are almost gone after 2000km and i eat tham down to the name of the tyre, sidewalls are to soft (this are not XL) you can see it on the picture after the first day of use the tyre had used marks just above the writing "EAGLE F1" and dont tell me i dont put enaugh pressure in becaus i put more than recomended, and the feedback and dynamic feel compared to Yokohoma Advant Fleva v701 is nonexistant until the tyres are pushed well than in that area thay provide good feedback and overall operation, comfort is way better tham Yokohamas, also corner grip is way ahead Of Yokohama tyres i used before, one more BIG p
PROBLEM in temperatures between 0-25°c thay work good, but after outside temps reach 30-35°c+ the tyre become like a chewing gum and its terible, i enjoy tham alot more on the wet than dry