Michelin CrossClimate 2

The Michelin CrossClimate 2 is a Premium Touring All Season tyre designed to be fitted to Passenger Cars.

Tyre review data from 123 tyre reviews averaging 81% over 1,289,713 miles driven, and 27 tests with an average result of 3rd.

Dry Grip 87%
Wet Grip 83%
Road Feedback 75%
Handling 74%
Wear 83%
Comfort 84%
Buy again 81%
Snow Grip 87%
Ice Grip 79%

First On MarketJanuary 2020
Wheel Size15 - 22"
Width155 - 285mm
Profile35 - 70
Rolling ResistanceA - D
Wet GripB - C
Noise (dB)69 - 73
Winter Rating3PMSF Rated

The CrossClimate 2 is ranked 13th of 59 All Season Premium Touring tyres.

This tyre replaced the Michelin CrossClimate Plus.

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Latest Tyre Test Results

The Best All Season Tyres for 2024 / 2025
2nd of 9 tyres
  • Highest overall snow performance rating, lowest noise emission, lowest rolling resistance, dry braking performance in top percentile.
  • Wet grip performance below average for test group.
  • The Michelin CrossClimate 2 is the tyre you'd fit if you're in climate that gets a lot of snow, as it was the best overall in the snow, had the lowest noise and the lowest rolling resistance. While its dry braking was also very good, its grip in the wet is still lacking compared to the best. I look forward to the next version improving this..
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The Best All Season Tyres for 2024
4th of 7 tyres
  • Good grip in the dry, high aquaplaning resistance, best in snow, lowest noise in test, lowest rolling resistance on test.
  • Long wet braking, high purchase price with average wear means expensive per km.
  • The Michelin CrossClimate 2, the tyre that's won every test I've featured it in, dropped down to fourth behind the new trio of tyres. I think the biggest surprise wasn't that it was the best in the snow, I've said this tyre is too good in the snow many times, or had the lowest rolling resistance on test, it's always done that well, but the fact it wasn't best in dry braking which is historically the Michelins party piece. I really hope Michelin can bring wet improvements to the next product, even if that means sacrificing a little snow. The CrossClimate 2 is still a great all season tyre, but according to this test, it's no longer the greatest.
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2024 ADAC All Season Tyre Test
4th of 16 tyres
  • The Michelin CrossClimate 2 tyre receives a satisfactory overall safety rating, mainly due to its performance on wet roads. On dry surfaces, it provides good steering feedback, precision, and reserves at the limit, achieving the shortest braking distance in the test.

    On wet roads, the tyre's performance drops. While it delivers good results in braking and aquaplaning tests, its handling is rated as merely adequate. The Michelin struggles to combine longitudinal and lateral forces effectively, leading to early under- or oversteer. The performance limit is low, resulting in imprecise steering control.

    In winter conditions, the CrossClimate 2 impresses with good performance. Its braking and traction are rated as good, and it secures the best handling score in the test, allowing precise and safe maneuvering through the course.

    Environmentally, the Italian and Spanish-made Michelin CrossClimate 2 achieves a good result. It offers high projected mileage and the lowest wear in the test. Additionally, it shows above-average performance in fuel consumption and weight.

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2024 Tyre Tests

2023 Tyre Tests

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2021 Tyre Tests


  • Michelin CrossClimate 2 VS Michelin CrossClimate+
  • Michelin CrossClimate 2 - Available Sizes
  • SizeFuelWetNoise
    15 inch
    195/65R15 91 HCB69
    195/65R15 95 V XLBB69
    195/55R15 85 VCB69
    185/65R15 92 V XLCB69
    185/65R15 88 HCB69
    195/55R15 89 V XLBB69
    16 inch
    215/60R16 95 VDC72
    205/55R16 94 V XLBB69
    205/55R16 91 VCB69
    205/60R16 96 H XLBB69
    215/60R16 99 H XLBB71
    205/55R16 91 HCB69
    205/60R16 96 V XLBB69
    205/55R16 91 WCB69
    215/60R16 95 VCB71
    205/60R16 92 HCB69
    215/60R16 99 V XLBB71
    17 inch
    235/65R17 104 HCC72
    225/50R17 94 WCB71
    225/50R17 98 V XLBB71
    215/45R17 91 Y XLCB71
    205/50R17 93 V XLCB69
    215/55R17 98 W XLBB71
    205/50R17 93 W XLCB69
    225/60R17 99 VBB71
    225/45R17 91 YCB71
    225/45R17 94 V XLCB71
    225/45R17 91 WCB71
    205/50R17 89 VCB69
    215/55R17 94 VBB71
    225/45R17 94 Y XLCB71
    205/50R17 89 HCB69
    225/50R17 98 Y XLBB71
    18 inch
    245/45R18 100 Y XLBB71
    225/40R18 92 Y XLCB71
    255/35R18 94 Y XLCB71
    245/40R18 93 YCB71
    245/45R18 96 YCB71
    245/40R18 97 Y XLCB71
    19 inch
    235/35R19 91 Y XLCB71
    20 inch
    245/35R20 95 Y XLCB71
    View All Sizes and EU Label Scores for the Michelin CrossClimate 2 >>

    Questions and Answers for the Michelin CrossClimate 2

    2021-10-14 - Verfügt der neue CrossClimate 2 über eine Run-Flat-Option?

    Aktuell gibt es vom CC2 nur eine Runflat-Größe, nämlich 225/45 R18. Alle verfügbaren Größen können Sie hier einsehen.

    2021-09-19 - Wie würden sich diese auf der Rennstrecke schlagen? Wäre es möglich, diese das ganze Jahr über zu tragen UND sie außerdem auf der Rennstrecke zum Spaßfahren zu verwenden (nicht um die besten Rundenzeiten zu erzielen, sondern nur zum Spaß zu fahren).

    Für einen Ganzjahresreifen würden sie eine gute Leistung bringen, aber wie bei allen Reifen dieser Kategorie werden Sie eine schlechte Hitzebeständigkeit und einen hohen Verschleiß bei Hitze feststellen, daher kann ich das Fahren mit Ganzjahresreifen auf der Rennstrecke nicht empfehlen.

    2021-09-23 - Wie ist der Rollwiderstand des CrossClimate 2 im Vergleich zu einem Sommerreifen wie dem Bridgestone Turanza T005 oder dem Goodyear EfficientGrip 2?

    Daten hierzu finden Sie in unserem Ganzjahresreifentest .

    2022-01-08 - Ich möchte den Michelin CrossClimate 2 in der Größe 225/45R17 94 kaufen, der mit den Geschwindigkeitsindexen V und Y erhältlich ist. Für mein Auto würden beide ausreichen, da die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit 235 km/h beträgt. Was sind also die Vor- und Nachteile von V gegenüber Y?

    Im Allgemeinen sollte die niedrigere Geschwindigkeitsklasse einen sehr kleinen Komfortvorteil mit sich bringen. Allerdings stellen manche Reifenhersteller inzwischen dieselben Reifen für mehrere Geschwindigkeits- und Lastindizes her, nur mit unterschiedlicher Kennzeichnung. In diesem Fall würde ich also den Reifen kaufen, der günstiger ist.

    2022-03-26 - Wäre Cross Climate ein guter (oder die beste Wahl) als Ganzjahresreifen für eine Mercedes A-Klasse (2013 – AMG-Linie, 1,6 156 PS) – Reifengröße 225/40 R18 92Y? Vielen Dank im Voraus

    Der Crossclimate 2 ist ein ausgezeichneter Ganzjahresreifen, ebenso wie die Ganzjahresreifen von Continental und Goodyear. Auf der Website finden Sie zahlreiche Testdaten, die Ihnen zeigen, welcher Reifen in welchem Bereich am besten ist.

    2022-11-10 - Ich muss nur sagen, dass ich Ihre Videos liebe. Ich habe einen Audi TT Mk1, die Reifen sind jetzt etwas abgenutzt, also habe ich über einen Ganzjahresreifen als Alternative zu einem Winterreifen nachgedacht, da ich in England lebe und es nicht so schlimm ist. Wäre das eine gute Alternative zu einem Winterreifen in England?

    Der CC2 ist ein ausgezeichneter Winterreifen für Regionen, in denen es keine extremen Winter gibt, wie beispielsweise in Großbritannien.

    2022-12-11 - Ich fahre ein Auto mit Frontantrieb und habe derzeit vier Sommerreifen montiert. Kann ich die beiden Vorderreifen durch CC2s ersetzen und die Sommerreifen hinten lassen? Ist das legal und aus versicherungstechnischen Gründen in Ordnung? Tolle Seite, Leute!

    Dies ist zulässig und technisch gesehen auch die richtige Vorgehensweise. Bedenken Sie jedoch Folgendes: Während das Auto im Schnee und möglicherweise bei sehr kaltem, nassem Wetter über eine sichere Untersteuerbalance verfügt, haben Sie bei trockener Fahrbahn wahrscheinlich mehr Grip an der Vorderachse, sodass bei extremen Manövern die Gefahr eines Übersteuerns besteht.

    2023-01-23 - Zunächst schien der Cross Climate 2 für den Einsatz mit einem SUV geeignet zu sein, bevor eine SUV-Version herauskam. Seit Mai 2022 ist die SUV-Version erhältlich. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen ihnen, wenn beide für den SUV verwendet werden können? Sollen wir die CC2-Bewertungen aus Ihren Tests nehmen und davon ausgehen, dass sie für die SUV-Version gleich sind? Danke – tolle Seite!

    Ja, CC2 und CC2 SUV unterscheiden sich nur in der Bezeichnung und sind in unterschiedlichen Größen und Tragfähigkeiten erhältlich. Die Reifenleistung sollte genau gleich sein.

    2023-01-23 - Michelin hat bei seiner Produkteinführung einen großartigen Test durchgeführt, bei dem ein abgenutzter CC2 mit 2 mm Profil mit dem der Konkurrenz mit dem gleichen abgenutzten Profil verglichen wurde. Dies war zwar ein guter Indikator für die vergleichbare Leistung, es war jedoch klar, dass ALLE Reifen bei 2 mm im Vergleich zu brandneuen Reifen eine enorme Leistungsänderung aufwiesen.

    Wäre es möglich, einige Reifen mit unterschiedlichen Profiltiefen (z. B. 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm) zu testen, um die Leistung zu vergleichen und festzustellen, ob der Rückgang linear oder exponentiell ist (so wie Sie es wunderbarerweise bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen getan haben)? Dies würde dabei helfen, den besten Zeitpunkt für den Reifenwechsel zu finden, um ein gutes Gleichgewicht zwischen Sicherheit und Leistung zu erhalten.

    Das steht auf der To-do-Liste!

    2023-10-08 - Würde das Tyre Review-Team CC2 für einen Jaguar XF S (300 PS / 700 Nm RWD), 255/35/R20, empfehlen? Ich lebe im Osten Englands, reise aber durch ganz Großbritannien und bin besorgt wegen der schlechten Rückmeldungen zum Nasshandling. Der Goodyear Vector 4S scheint eine bessere Wahl zu sein, wird aber in Großbritannien nicht verkauft. Ich dachte an einen zweiten Satz R19-Räder mit Winterreifen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass die Kosten und der Lagerplatz gerechtfertigt sind. Weiter so, Tyre Reviews!!

    Ich bin überrascht, ob der CC2 in dieser Größe erhältlich ist. Vielleicht ist er ja als Erstausrüstung für einen Land Rover erhältlich. Der CC2 wäre eine gute Wahl für das Fahrzeug, aber bei so viel Drehmoment und Gewicht wird jeder Ganzjahres- oder Winterreifen ein wenig zu kämpfen haben!

    2023-11-26 - Wie hat sich der CC2 im Winter im Vergleich zu einigen preisgünstigen Winterreifen (ca. 150 USD pro Stück) geschlagen?

    Auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Tyre Reviews gibt es ein Video, in dem der CC2 mit dem X-Ice Snow im Trockenen, im Nassen und im Schnee verglichen wird. Es sollte Ihnen einen Eindruck von den Leistungsunterschieden in dieser Kategorie vermitteln.

    2024-01-20 - Ich überlege, die Reifen für meinen Lexus RX450H 2022 durch PILOT SPORT 4 SUV oder CROSSCLIMATE2 zu ersetzen. Können Sie mir einen dieser beiden oder eine andere Wahl empfehlen?

    Der CrossClimate 2 und der PS4SUV sind sehr unterschiedliche Produkte. Der eine ist ein Sommerreifen, der andere ein Ganzjahresreifen. Die Wahl hängt davon ab, wie viel Mobilität Sie im Schnee wünschen. Wenn Sie Mobilität wünschen, ist der CC2 die natürliche Wahl. Er ist auch besser, wenn es sehr kalt ist. In allen anderen Jahreszeiten übertrifft der PS4SUV ihn. Sehen Sie sich die Testdaten auf der Website an.

    2024-05-28 - Danke wie immer für die Mühe! Warum ist der Rollwiderstand des Michelin CC2 in diesem Test niedriger als in Ihrem Video 23/24 (vor 8 Monaten)? Und bei welcher Temperatur testen Sie die Reifen im Trockenen (Bremsen/Handling), da dies die Leistung beeinträchtigt? Danke!

    Ich bin nicht sicher, was Sie mit dem Rollwiderstand in „dieser Bewertung“ meinen. Diese Seite ist ein Index von Benutzererfahrungen und mehreren Reifentests, bei denen oft eigene Rollwiderstandsdaten gemessen wurden. Der Rollwiderstand kann je nach Größe variieren.

    Die Prüftemperaturen sind, sofern verfügbar, auf den Prüfladungen vermerkt.

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    Size Price Range  
    205/55 R16 £112.96 - £124.42 (8 Prices) Compare Prices >>
    205/60 R16 £151.99 - £168.46 (8 Prices) Compare Prices >>
    225/40 R18 £130.49 - £135.89 (3 Prices) Compare Prices >>
    225/45 R17 £118.80 - £139.19 (12 Prices) Compare Prices >>
    225/50 R17 £157.80 - £184.19 (8 Prices) Compare Prices >>
    Available in 89 tyre sizes - View all.

    YouTube Review

    Top 3 Michelin CrossClimate 2 Reviews

    Given 92% while driving a Kia Motors Niro (205/60 R16) on a combination of roads for 59 easy going miles
    It was because watching these testing videos I am on my second set of 205/60R16 NA CC2 tires and also on a 21+ old mini van with different sizes. Frist set of H-Speed I drove them for 59,000 miles/95,000 KM with 50% tire wear & sold them used before the warranty was up for 50% of the purchased price. Second set is V-Speed due to H-Speed not available at Costco, 28,000miles/45,000Km so far (one rear tire were punctured @ 25,500 miles/41,000 KM & replaced with a new tire based on 5-year Pro-rated replacement warranty and paid $19.29 USD Tax-in since only ~1mm of 10mm was worn out) . The Micheline X-Ice Xi3 I had on the same vehicle before which required paying twice a year to swap our for storage is no longer needed.

    As a mild FWD HEV driver that usually drives/coast/avoid full red light stops when possible within 60 miles/100 KM speed limit genteelly around hilly country roads & some highways, the rolling resistance & excellent aquaplaning resistance (great with water & slushy snow) provides great return millage:

    Summer average H-Speed: 61.16 US-MPG / 73.46 UK-MPG / 26.00 KM/L / 3.85 L/100 KM
    Summer average V-Speed: 58.81 US-MPG / 70.63 UK-MPG / 25.00 KM/L / 4.00 L/100 KM - average may improve as the tires treads wears down & gets lighter

    Winter Average H-Speed: 55.28 US-MPG / 66.40 UK-MPG / 23.5 KM/L / 4.26 L/100 KM
    Winter Average V-Speed: 52.93 US-MPG / 63.57 UK-MPG / 22.5 KM/L / 4.44 L/100 KM - average may improve as the tire treads wears down & gets lighter / 1300W Heater activates ICE effects MPG

    5%-10% better handling in server wet & dry driving speed is a second importance to me based on my driving styles so CC2 does more than just fine. Based on my location risk assessments, the worst condition to have any accident and getting help even just for once would be in the wintery condition for me as I have driven through combinations of ice, freezing rain, wet snow storm and 1~1.5 ft of unplowed packed snow & plowed snowbanks all on the same day a few times so CC2 meets my need the most. I had drove through a few ~6" flooded roads and CC2 did amazingly as long as I drive slowly with common sense. The factory Micheline Energy Saver A/S equipped on many HEV are only great in millage in warm weather, only good on straight dry roads, needs to SLOW WAY DOWN in wet and a FULL DEATH TRAP in snow & ice.

    The best benefit I did not expect when switching to a set of All-Weather 3PMSF (snow flak symbol) insurance discount approved tires is during temperature swings, sometimes over 68F/20C within the day, day to day or back & forth between weeks especially during the beginning & the end of the winter months. I used to regrade often changing the tires too early or too late when temperature changes dramatically like from 14F/ -10C to 59F/ 15C in one day especially when ice forming on the road overnight and warm up in the afternoon and back to freezing in the night. Now I just make sure the tires are rotated every 6,000 miles/10,000 KM (front/back for directional tires), tire pressure meets the temperature range throughout the day/week with a portable battery/12V tire pressure pump, get in the car and drive without any worries of ice, snow, rain or sun!

    Thank you again for these excellent tire test videos and the dedication you have put yourself into helping us to avoid accidents and save lives on the road. If possible, if you could also make the same tests on all theses tires ware down to 2mm... It would be first of it's kind &... EPIC (not sure some of the tire manufactures would be very pleased thought but... we will!)!
    Helpful 110 - tyre reviewed on September 23, 2024
    Given 81% while driving a Infiniti 2004 G35 (235/50 R18) on a combination of roads for 5,000 average miles
    Car = 2014 Infiniti Q60 AWD (aka G37 Coupe / CV36 Skyline - RWD bias ATTESA AWD) Overall, pleased with the tire as I wanted a comfortable tire with long tread life and a true "All-Season" tire for the winter months as I have not yet purchased a set of dedicated summer wheels/tires yet. Coming from previous Michelin Pilot Sport AS3+ which lasted around 52k of 45k mile rating with sometimes spirited driving, so have no reason to doubt Michelin's tread ware claims, at least on my vehicle. Handling in the dry, the AS3+ was better when taking curves/turns and activated the VDC/TCS less often, handling in the wet appears to be similar. Snow and ice grip, of course, are markedly better on the CrossClimate2 with all aspects of handling/acceleration/braking, whereas the AS3+ would be somewhat haphazard of anything over 1" of snow. While the tire itself is comfortable and not noisy (similar amount of perceivable noise as the AS3+), the thick tread pattern/blocks pick up large stones/pebbles like no other, which may result in annoying clinking until manually inspected and removed.
    Helpful 379 - tyre reviewed on May 13, 2021
    Given 84% while driving a Audi A3 S Line Sportback 2.0 TDI 184 (225/40 R18) on a combination of roads for 500 average miles
    Recently put a full set of these tyres on my A3. They replaced the Michelin Pilot Sport 4's (which lasted for twenty thousand miles/three and a half years).
    The Cross Climate 2's are a huge improvement when it comes to comfort and cabin noise. The PS 4's were very crashy on rough roads and they were noisy. The CC's are quieter and so much more forgiving. Time will tell how they perform in the winter months. I would recommend these tyres if you would like a more comfortable ride.
    Helpful 57 - tyre reviewed on November 27, 2023
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    Latest Michelin CrossClimate 2 Reviews

    Given 74% while driving a Honda CRV (225/65 R17) on mostly town for 10 average miles
    These have been great on our Honda CRV . I wanted an "all year" tire with a good winter (snow) performance and was less concerned about tread life.
    Helpful 0 - tyre reviewed on December 29, 2024
    Given 84% while driving a MINI Cooper (195/55 R16) on a combination of roads for 10,000 average miles
    Just a great tyre for my 18-year-old's car. I trust them. I will be buying them again when needed.
    Helpful 10 - tyre reviewed on November 18, 2024
    What to know the BEST All Season Tyres for 2024? Click to find out!
    Given 89% while driving a Audi A3 S Line Sportback 2.0 TDI 184 (225/40 R18) on a combination of roads for 9,000 spirited miles
    Following on from my original review 12 months ago... I'm still impressed with the tyres. After nine thousand miles, they look to be wearing well. Comfort and cabin noise levels are still impressive.
    The only negative I've found with them is that when cornering at higher speeds they aren't as grippy as my previous Michelin Pilot Sport 4 tyres.
    That's only to be expected, as the Cross Climate 2 is an all season tyre as opposed to the Pilot Sport 4 being a summer performance tyre.
    Helpful 9 - tyre reviewed on November 16, 2024
    Given 93% while driving a Hyundai Tucson (235/55 R18) on a combination of roads for 500 spirited miles
    On dy roads - very good grip and very predictive behaviour. Strong braking, similar feeling to many summer touring tires I prevously used (such as Michelin Primacy 4, Goodyear Efficient Grip Performance 2, Vredestein Ultrac).

    On wet roads - no complaints so far, oversteering when pushed enough, but actually feel very safe. In my opinion, braking is quite strong (according tests, there are better products for that matter, but I don't have any experience with other AS tyres).

    Wear rate - n/a, too early to tell anything.

    Snow - n/a, hoping to have an opportunity soon now, in Dec or Jan.

    Comfort level is excellent, especially by considering all other dynamic properties. Almost as a touring premium winter tyre.

    So far I've driven them between 30°C in Sept
    and around 3°C of dry roads during recent few weeks.

    What I am worried about is how they will handle high summer temperatures and UV levels (in Jun-Jul-Aug it can be up to 37°C in my area, while asphalt is probably over 60°C). Guys from few tire shops were persuading me that this is the only product that can handle 3 such summers after which ageing degradation becomes noticeable, impacting colder seasons properties.
    Honestly, main reason I chose CC2 over Bridgestone Turanza AS6 or Pirelli AS SF3 is because of real-life longevity (ageing, not mileage), which yet has to be proven by these CC2's newest competitors.

    Before I bought CC2, car was new with Continental Ecodrive 6. Only good thing I can state is almost non-existing noise level and approx. 5% lower fuel consumption. Grip wasn't good enough for my taste, and aquaplaning was actually scary. I don't think they are good for any comparison.
    Helpful 9 - tyre reviewed on November 14, 2024
    Given 97% while driving a Volkswagen Amarok permanent 4x4 (255/55 R19) on mostly country roads for 1,000 spirited miles
    Second time of purchasing these tyres and they are perfect all rounder for my Amarok V6
    Can’t praise them enough both for performance & longevity.
    Really quiet & sure footed in all conditions.
    Helpful 8 - tyre reviewed on November 8, 2024
    Given 86% while driving a Chevrolet Equinox (225/65 R17) on a combination of roads for 45 average miles
    My initial thoughts of the CC2 tires when new were very positive. Good grip in all weather conditions, rode as good as the OEM Tires (also Michelin) that where worn down to the wear indicator bars. However, after having these fitted for 3 yrs and 45,000 miles, I can say that they appear to be significantly noisier and ride stiffer than I recall when they were new. Still provides very good winter traction and little wear given the miles. Last check they had 7-8/32 tread depth. Another observation is that the steering effort lightened-up when these were installed but I don't know how much that might be due to the tires or to the 4-wheel alignment I had completed when they were installed.
    Helpful 6 - tyre reviewed on November 8, 2024
    Given 95% while driving a BMW 1 series (205/55 R16) on for 45,000 miles
    My car previously had factory-fitted brigestone turanza summer tires. They were making a lot of noise on paved roads and slightly rough asphalt. When I first changed them, I wanted to try both four-season and Michelin. This is my 3rd time back and I am extremely pleased. Just be careful when approaching the pavement ☺️
    Helpful 11 - tyre reviewed on October 18, 2024
    Given 65% while driving a Volkswagen Caddy (205/55 R16) on mostly country roads for 3,000 easy going miles
    The VW Caddy has pretty poor traction and this Michelin tire makes the car dangerous on bends on wet roads. On dry roads, the comfort is appreciable as is its correct road holding. On snow, this tire got me out of situations where I would not have been able to drive with summer tires given the poor traction of my vehicle.
    Helpful 8 - tyre reviewed on October 17, 2024
    Given 85% while driving a Toyota C HR 1.2T Plus CVT (175/60 R17) on for 75,000 miles
    The tires are incredibly comfortable and of high quality.
    Helpful 11 - tyre reviewed on October 8, 2024
    Given 95% while driving a BMW 130i M (225/40 R18) on mostly country roads for 250 spirited miles
    I'm running these CC2s in staggered sizes on my 130i (225/40 and 235/40 18s) and have found them to be superb so far. I live semi-rural in Lancashire, surrounded by country lanes that are untreated/unloved and have lots of standing water... The CC2s have been excellent in the very recent poor weather we've had; very grippy in the wet & dry, but also very smooth and comfy as well, the car is on fairly firm suspension. Quiet too... They've made a marked difference over the previous PS5s which I didn't rate at all unfortunately

    I haven't had chance to test them in the very cold temps yet; but that'll happen soon enough when we head up to family property in The Highlands sometime early Dec
    Helpful 8 - tyre reviewed on October 8, 2024
    Given 64% while driving a Mercedes Benz ML350 (225/45 R17) on a combination of roads for 15,000 spirited miles
    15k miles on Mercedes ML350. Understeer took the corners off in Scottish summer driving. Good confidence in snow, rain and general usage. Should not expect a 2t SUV to handle so well and the tyres took the punishment.
    Helpful 12 - tyre reviewed on October 3, 2024
    Given 93% while driving a BMW 320d GT (255/45 R18) on mostly country roads for 8,000 average miles
    Before purchase I liked the idea of a tyre that I could trust in the snow but also performed well in the summer. I confess that, whilst I felt that the Cross Climate 2 / Cross Climate SUV would handle the snow, I worried that it might feel "soft" in warmer weather. Nevertheless, I went ahead.

    As a BMW owner I tend to drive like an old man to work, then quite spirited on parts of a journey - then back to motorway speeds on motorways. It was for the moments of spirited driving, especially in hot weather, that I had concerns.

    So, after almost 9 months, how have these stacked up? I am impressed, very impressed. Admittedly, last winter I didn't get to test the snow capabilities, but the all important summer, hot days, hot tarmac performance was exemplary. My fears were well and truly cast into the oblivion of potholes of which there are many locally. That brings me to comfort and noise. The tyres proved both quieter and more comfortable than the Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 5's previously fitted, and they, themselves were better than BMW's run-flat choice. So, all in all, a win all around.

    Currently, too, wear is good although they have needed one re-balance.

    In summary, a great tyre. Hopefully we'll get some snow this winter to try them at the other extreme, but as an excellent, all weather tyre, working well in the cold, in heavy rain and on hot summer days I have no hesitation in recommending them. Would I buy them again if I change vehicle? Absolutely.
    Helpful 6 - tyre reviewed on September 30, 2024